Monday, December 12, 2011

Geologic Time

The Permian Period (280 to 248 million years ago) is most know as the "The Age of Amphibians" because during the time the Amphibians were abundant. There were also Gymnosperms were the dominant plant life. The continent had merged into a single super-continent that to day we call pangea. Phyto Plankton and plants had oxinated our Earth Atmosphere.

1- What did you enjoy most about this project?
      The thing that I like most of this project was when we have to fine the pictures and save them in the servey because i learned more about the animal that existed before humens.

2- What was most challenging about this project and why?
     The most challenging for me in this project was when we have to find the pictures and make the    video. because when we have to find the pictures you need to save them and the nameof the page and website. and to make the video you need to put them in order.

3- What you change about this project and why?
     If I could change anything of this project would be that chose the pictures and save them but don't save the name of the page and the website. Because I think that when we save the name of the page and the website took us alot of time.

4- What are 3 things that you learned from this project?
     1- I learned that there were many uglys animals in the permian period.
     2- I learned that when the animals die they become fossils.
     3- I learned tht there were many different period for ex. devonian period trassic period and alot more.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

The stars

1- What is a star?
    A star is made of hot gas.
2- Type of stars?
     Super giant, Giant, Main sequence, White Dwarfs.
3- H-R Diagram?
     H-R diagram is a graphical tool that  astrotomers use to classify stars of their luminosity,spectral type, color, temperature and evolutionary stage.
4- Nuclear Fusion?
     The nuclear reaction inside a star change two hydrogen gas molecules into a helium molecule.This process is known as nuclear fusion.
5- The life cycle of a star

Wednesday, October 19, 2011


Planet order. 8th from the sun.
Distance from the sun (km). 4,498, millions of km.
Mass. 1.0244x10^26 kg.
Diameter. 50,530 km.
Rotation. 16h o3m.
Revolution. 165 years.
Number of moons. 13

Planet description (planet is it like on this planet)
1- Large, gaseous planet with rings that vary thickness.
2- Is sometimes farther from the sun than pluto is.
3- Methane atmosphere causes its bluish-green color.
4- Has dark-colored storms in atmosphere.
5- Has at least 11 moons.

Interesting Facts
1- Neptune is the most distant planet.
2- Neptune is the smallest of gas giants.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Hurricane Irene

Critical Thinking

1- What effect does water temperature have on the creation a hurricane?

Warm water created a hurricane.

2- Why would there be more damage to an area during high tide?

There will be more damage in a are with high tide because the water from the ocean is going to come out.

3- If an area is fully saturated, how will this be more dangerous for an area?

Well if an are is fully saturated is going to be dangerous for the are because the trees can fall.

4- Why would there be more flooding if the ground was fully saturated?

If the ground is fully saturated there is going to be more flooding because the ground can't receive more water.


1- What is something that you liked about this mini-project?